Opening: Saturday10 October 6 - 9 pm
Please RSVP to confirm your attendance, before 5 October

Thoughts collide when these visual artists cross their pens in a battle.
Eight themes will pervade during the visual confrontation between two draftsmen:
from strawberry to birth, from fragile to pensioners, from work to war, from refugees to philosophy.
Gabriël Kousbroek & René van Asselt, changing the way we look at everyday life,
will fight this visual battle in 16 one-of-a-kind supersized prints.
There will be a live performance at the opening:
a drawing battle between the draftsmen, Kousbroek & Van Asselt
as well as a musical interlude featuring DJ Ruigrok, Olaf Zwetsloot and the languorous pianist.
Besides that, Gabriël will be drawing live during the exhibition period
between 2 pm and 4 pm at KYAS ART SALON, daily.
René van Asselt (Baarn 1959):
works as an illustrator and infographic designer
for “Elsevier” magazine i.a.
Gabriël Kousbroek (Parijs 1965) is a graphic novelist and comic artist working for the Dutch newspapers “De Volkskrant”, “De Groene Amsterdammer” and “Nieuwe Revu”. “Nijgh and Van Ditmar” published their first autobiographical novel: “Kousboek” in 2013. |