Dutch painter (1952), born in Nijmegen,
The Netherlands, and is currently working and living in Amsterdam.
She studied at the Academie voor Beeldende Kunsten in Arnhem (College of Arts),
where she also taught five years as a professor.
She is well-known for her large abstract townscapes.
Work by Viegers is included, among others, in the collections of the Dutch parliamentary Upper and Lower Chamber,
the European Parliament, Amsterdams Historisch Museum,
Museum voor Moderne Kunst in Arnhem and the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam.
“De Sensualiteit, The Sensuality,
La Volupté, apres Rodin 2” |
“Herodes Opdracht, Herodes Command, Herodes
Commande,apres Cornelis van Haarlem A” |
“De Aanranding,The Assault, L'Assaut, apres Rubens A” |
“Lust,Lust, Luxure, apres Rodin” |
“Natuurwet, Law of Nature, Loi Naturelle” |
“De Verleiding,The first Sin, Le Péché Original,
apres Michelangelo A” |
“Het Overspel, The adultery, L'Adultere, apres Fragonard A” |
“Oktopus, Octopus, l'Octopus, apres Rodin” |
“Komeet, Comet, Comeéte, apres Rodin” |
“De Verbanning The Banishment,
Chasseés du Paradis, apres Strozzi A” |
“De Ontvoering van Europa door Zeus,
The Kidnap, L'Enlevement, apres Rembrandt 1” |
“Kussen, Pillow, Orreiller, apres Rodin” |
“Satan, Satan, Satan, apres Rodin” |
“Vrouw met Parkiet, Woman with Parrot,
La Femme au Perroquet, apres Eugene de la Croix A” |
Oil on Canvas, 2m x 3m |

Opening hours: Daily afternoon by appointment.  Please call or e-mail for visit.
Keizersgracht 221, 1016 DV Amsterdam  Tel: 020-6220650
e-mail: [email protected]  www.kyasartsalon.com |